Exposed Sensitive Information within SAP Enterprise Portal

Impact On Business

One HTTP endpoint of the portal exposes sensitive information that could be used by an attacker with administrator privileges, in conjunction with other attacks (e.g. XSS).

Affected Components Description

SAP Enterprise Portal is a web frontend component for SAP Netweaver.

Affected components:

  • EP-RUNTIME 7.10
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.11
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.20
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.30
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.31
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.40
  • EP-RUNTIME 7.50

(Check SAP Note 3059764 for detailed information on affected releases)

Vulnerability Details

The SAP Portal servlet, com.sapportals.navigation.testComponent.NavigationRequestSniffer, exposes in the body html part, all headers values from requester. Sensitive information, like cookies sessions are exposed.

Example of cookie names where value are reachable:



It breaks cookie security because these sensitive data could be used and treated as normal body data.


SAP has released SAP Note 3059764 which provides patched versions of the affected components.

The patches can be downloaded from

Onapsis strongly recommends SAP customers to download the related security fixes and apply them to the affected components in order to reduce business risks.

Report Timeline

  • 04/26/2021: Onapsis sends details to SAP
  • 04/29/2021: SAP provides internal ID
  • 05/13/2021: SAP provides update
  • 05/18/2021: Onapsis provides update
  • 07/13/2021: SAP releases SAP Note fixing the issue.
  • 11/21/2021: Advisory published


Onapsis Blog Post:

CVE Mitre:

Vendor Patch:

Advisory Information

  • Public Release Date: 11/21/2021
  • Security Advisory ID: ONAPSIS-2021-0020
  • Vulnerability Submission ID: 885
  • Researcher(s): Yvan Genuer

Vulnerability Information

  • Vendor: SAP
  • Vulnerability Class: |LS|CWE-200|RS| Exposure of Sensitive Information
  • CVSS v3 score: 4.5 AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
  • Severity: Medium
  • CVE: CVE-2021-33687
  • Vendor patch Information: SAP Security Note 3059764


Onapsis Research Labs provides the industry analysis of key security issues that impact mission-critical systems and applications.

Delivering frequent and timely security and compliance advisories with associated risk levels, Onapsis Research Labs combine in-depth knowledge

and experience to deliver technical and business-context with sound security judgment to the broader information security community.

Find all reported vulnerabilities at

This advisory is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY-ND International License

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