Leading ERP Security by Industry

Clients across many industries trust Onapsis to secure their ERP systems.


Industrial chemicals and pharmaceutical companies are challenged to protect their crucial systems – like SAP and Oracle – and ensure the safety of their products in the face of regulatory oversight and the threat of compliance audits. Onapsis makes it easier to gain visibility into ERP applications to better assess risk, secure digital transformation projects from the start, and automate compliance tasks.


Manufacturing organizations are challenged to protect their critical systems and ensure the safety of their products while meeting accelerated demand for digitization and sustainability. Onapsis makes it easier to put security at the forefront of digital transformation projects and scale manufacturing IT and security teams with the right level of visibility across ERP applications.


Energy and utility companies are challenged to protect their crucial systems while modernizing their systems to take advantage of clean energy technologies and improving access for their customers and workforce, all under the watchful eye of increased government oversight. Onapsis provides utility and oil & gas companies the right visibility across ERP applications, helps scale IT and security teams, and automates compliance processes.

Additional Core Industries

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