Onapsis Assess for SAP Success Factors

Extend Onapsis vulnerability management to your SaaS applications

Onapsis Assess for SAP SuccessFactors is a version of our industry-leading vulnerability management technology designed specifically for the SaaS-based SuccessFactors application.  It eliminates time-consuming and error-prone manual audits by automatically evaluating your SuccessFactors user, system, and integration settings against security best practices. 

By using Assess for SuccessFactors, you’ll gain the visibility and context you need to quickly act on vulnerabilities that put employee PII and other critical data at risk. This helps support your customer responsibilities around data privacy, access management, and compliance under the shared security model.

Automatically Evaluate Your SuccessFactors Against Security Best Practices

  • Easily understand user privileges and permissions without manual audits.
  • Support audit trails by ensuring you can tie actions and changes back to individual users.
  • Verify your system, user, and integration settings are configured securely (e.g., virus scans enabled, strong password policies, encrypted connections required).

Quickly Identify and Address Risk to PII and Other Critical Data

  • Immediately start scanning with out-of-the-box vulnerability assessment tailored to SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Understand which vulnerabilities to prioritize with insight into business impact and criticality from the Onapsis Research Labs.
  • Receive detailed remediation guidance to keep solutions simple and straightforward.

Further Reading

Want a more in-depth exploration? Start with these related pieces, then visit our Resources page for more.

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