Onapsis Resources

Access our in-depth hub of resources on ERP security reports, webinars, podcasts, and more.

Dig into implementation best practices and integration must-haves. We’ll review tips, tricks, and techniques to get the...
Better understand the executive- and board-level conversations happening around business-critical application security and...
A deep dive into the current environmental and business dynamics that your cybersecurity portfolio must account for. Understand...
Digital transformations promise efficiencies, customer satisfaction and new revenue opportunities, but they also vastly expand...
Listen to a Q&A session with Richard Puckett, CISO at SAP and Mariano Nunez, CEO at Onapsis to discuss the key findings...
SAP S/4HANA migration projects are a huge undertaking involving your organization’s most mission-critical applications....
White Papers
Secure your business-critical applications. Here are five reasons why you need vulnerability management capabilities for...
A critical cybersecurity blind spot impacting how many organizations protect their business-critical SAP applications is...
Evaluate and quantify the value of solutions that are designed to help manage your risks and reduce your operational costs...