The Experts in SAP & Oracle Threat Intelligence

You can’t secure ERP systems without an offensive security team fueling you with threat intelligence

Onapsis offers professional services in the form of penetration testing and education classes, further enhancing the value from the threat research team.

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Learn more about ORL’s top disclosures with SAP and CISA

10KBlaze, RECON, and ICMAD are just a few of the critical vulnerabilities that Onapsis Research Labs has identified over the years. Our work fuels not only our threat intelligence and our technology but also helps us educate the broader communities on how to protect their applications and organizations from growing threats. We are frequent, featured presenters and educators at conferences such as RSA Conference, Black Hat, Def Con, and Troopers.

Hear from CTO & Co-founder JP Perez-Etchegoyen about how Onapsis Research Labs delivers value to our customers

Our Threat Intelligence Fuels Our Technology and Services. You Benefit.

Attacks on business-critical SAP and Oracle applications are on the rise, as sophisticated threat actors take advantage of interconnected systems and security professionals struggling with limited resources and a growing backlog of critical vulnerabilities to address. Onapsis Research Labs continues to fight on the frontlines of this battle to keep the world’s leading brands steps ahead of would-be malicious attackers.

Onapsis automatically updates its products with the latest threat intelligence and other security guidance from the Onapsis Research Labs. This provides customers with advanced notification on critical issues, comprehensive coverage, improved configurations and pre-patch protection ahead of scheduled vendor updates. The ongoing discoveries from the Onapsis Research Labs keeps The Onapsis Platform ahead of ever-evolving cybersecurity threats.

What is SAP Threat Intelligence?

Business-critical applications like SAP support essential business functions and processes of the world’s largest commercial and governmental organizations, including supply chain, manufacturing, finance, sales and services, human resources and others. These applications are the crown jewels of their operation. SAP applications are widely deployed and used for critical operations worldwide by organizations in essential industries such as food distribution, medical device manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Identifying, analyzing, and neutralizing potential threats to your SAP applications as they happen is key for making sure you have pre-patch protection. Targeted threat intelligence can help you stay ahead of zero-day threats.

Timely, impactful threat intelligence programs can provide insightful information about current tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by threat actors. They can also provide early alerts about new ransomware campaigns as well as actionable intelligence for security teams responsible for designing and implementing security controls.

Ready to eliminate your SAP cybersecurity blindspot?