
Navigating SAP Security: Strategies for Seamless Compliance

December 14, 2023


Navigating the complex landscape of SAP security compliance can be daunting for organizations facing recurring audits. The challenges range from lack of visibility and understanding of potential threats to the intricacies of effective remediation.

In this insightful session, an Onapsis expert will guide you through:

  • Establishing a seamless, automated, and repeatable compliance reporting and audit process.
  • Unlocking efficiencies to liberate valuable resources within your organization.
  • Mastering the recording, logging, and auditing of activities to meet regulatory compliance standards such as GDPR, SOX, and other industry regulations.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights and practical solutions to transform your approach to SAP security compliance. Join us as we unravel the complexities and showcase how Onapsis provides a streamlined path to security compliance success.


Hector Espinoza

Senior Sales Engineer

Ready to eliminate your SAP cyber security blindspot?

Let us show you how simple it can be to protect your business applications.