On Demand Webinar
1000 Reasons: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Business-Critical Application Security
Insights from Onapsis Founders on Protecting Critical Systems of Leading Brands and Modern-Day ERP Security Strategies
Over a decade ago, Onapsis was founded in a small office in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Today, the organization has grown by leaps and bounds with a global presence and capabilities centered around protecting the critical systems of hundreds of the world’s leading brands including 20% of the Fortune 100. Join this fireside chat with two of the founders of Onapsis – Mariano Nunez, CEO, and JP Perez-Etchegoyen, CTO – to hear their take on the state of critical application security, thoughts on modern day SAP and Oracle attacks and threat actor groups, and a new way of thinking about ERP security to protect what matters most to your organization.
Ready to eliminate your SAP cyber security blindspot?
Let us show you how simple it can be to protect your business applications.