Onapsis Resources

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Traditional cybersecurity investments have focused on defending the perimeter with little attention paid to the application...
Join us for an exclusive session on how to Build Security Into Your S/4HANA Cloud Journey
In this guide, Turnkey, SailPoint and Onapsis give you practical advice for safeguarding SAP in an era of cyber legislat...
Vous avez loupé notre webinar en collaboration avec Onapsis ? Pas de panique, nous vous mettons le replay à disposition...
To accelerate the delivery of high-quality software, companies are now promoting the intertwining of the development and...
Organisationen stehen zunehmend im Focus von Cyberangriffen. 65% der Angriffe erreichen auch die SAP Systeme der Unternehmen....
JP Perez-Etchegoyen and Paul Laudanski from Onapsis Research Labs (ORL) recap SAP security trends from 2023 and provide best...
Businesses rely on enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems like SAP to consolidate their critical assets, data, and intellectual...