Onapsis Assess for SAP BTP

Enforce Security Best Practices for SAP BTP Users, Privileges, & Configurations

Assess for SAP BTP

Empower Your Business Users Without Sacrificing SAP Security

SAP BTP has enormous potential for organizations looking to advance their cloud ERP ambitions, but it also represents a new cybersecurity and compliance risk that must be accounted for and included in your existing security programs as your organization begins and grows its SAP BTP adoption.

User and application configuration is of the utmost importance with SAP BTP to avoid potential critical data leakage or IP theft, costly compliance violations, wasted costs on consumption credits, or even critical business downtime and disruption.

Fortunately, Onapsis Assess makes it easy for you to evaluate your SAP BTP security posture against security best practices, giving you exactly what you need to enforce least privilege principles for users while keeping your critical data and business operations protected.

Easy-to-Deploy, Easy-to-Use Scanning of Your Security Posture in SAP BTP

  • Maximize your BTP coverage and visibility with minimal effort with easy discovery of all SAP BTP subaccounts
  • Get up and running quickly with BTP-specific vulnerability and security checks enriched with prioritization and remediation guidance
  • Go beyond surface level scans with deep analysis based on the SAP Security Baseline Template and the advanced security recommendations from the Onapsis Research Labs
Easy-to-Deploy, Easy-to-Use Scanning of Your Security Posture in SAP BTP
Easily Audit SAP BTP User Permissions

Easily Audit SAP BTP User Permissions & Identify Overly-Privileged Users to Ensure Data Privacy and Compliance

  • Ensure only approved, authorized users have access to sensitive data to minimize potential  DLP violations
  • Enforce least privilege principles for user access

Identify Insecure SAP BTP System Configurations & Untrusted Users to Harden Your BTP Instance and Protect Key Business Applications

  • Identify configuration issues that could result in data loss, or exposure, or elevated risk for your organization
  • Prevent unauthorized access and activity from external or untrusted users within SAP BTP
Identify Insecure SAP BTP System Configurations
Onapsis Assess

Get Visibility Across Your Critical SAP Application Landscape

SAP BTP is just one of the assets Onapsis Assess supports. Get more complete SAP attack surface management by discovering vulnerabilities across your entire landscape with the risk-based guidance you need to better prioritize and respond faster to issues posing the greatest threats to your business.

Schedule a Live Demo Today

Reduce Your SAP BTP Attack Surface & Enforce Security Best Practices

Let our experts show you how you can leverage Onapsis Assess to ensure your SAP BTP is securely configured with the right access and authorization levels. We’ll demonstrate how Assess can help you respond most efficiently and effectively to issues that could result in data loss or exposure, DLP violations, or elevated risk for your organization.

Let Onapsis Help You Manage Your Security Responsibilities Under RISE to Achieve Cost Savings and Efficiencies

Securing complex SAP landscapes during the transition to RISE and beyond doesn’t have to be complicated. We have the expertise, successful track record and technology with the only cybersecurity and compliance solution endorsed by SAP to help our customers achieve both SAP cyber-resilience and cost and time savings.

Further Reading

Want a more in-depth exploration? Start with these related pieces, then visit our Resources page for more.