Summer Holiday Security Tips for Defenders

With the 4th of July holiday in our rear-view mirror, it’s essential to consider not just our barbecue plans but also our cybersecurity posture. Holidays and weekends are prime times for cyber attackers to strike. We’ve seen this with notable breaches like the JBS ransomware attack on Memorial Day weekend in 2021, the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack on Mother’s Day weekend in 2021, and the 2021 Kaseya ransomware attack during the 4th of July weekend. These incidents highlight the critical need for robust cybersecurity practices, especially during times where our guards might not be up.

The Evolving Threat Landscape

The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, with attackers becoming more sophisticated and their targets more varied. Cyberattacks are no longer just a concern for large corporations; individuals are also at risk. Whether it’s a ransomware attack on a critical infrastructure company or a phishing scam targeting holiday shoppers, no one is immune. The increasing number of cyber threats underscores the need for vigilance and proactive security measures.

A few of my security tips for individuals celebrating this summer: 

Public Wi-Fi
As tempting as it might be to connect to public Wi-Fi while out and about during the 4th of July celebrations, avoid using it for sensitive activities like online banking. If you must use public Wi-Fi, ensure you’re connected through a reliable VPN to add an extra layer of security. It is especially important to keep computers up to date if using public wifi, to avoid exploitation of known vulnerabilities that may affect your operating system or browser. 

Social Media
Be cautious about what you share on social media. Cybercriminals often use social engineering tactics to exploit holiday sentiments. Maintain strong password hygiene and think twice before posting personal information or details about your holiday plans online that threat actors can exploit.

Mobile Devices
Ensure your mobile devices are updated with the latest security patches. Use strong screen locks and be mindful of the apps you download. This helps protect your data and can help avoid unauthorized access in case your device is lost or stolen during the festivities.

Be on high alert for suspicious links and emails that can indicate a phishing scam, especially those disguised as last-minute 4th of July sales or promotions. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is and should be avoided. Always verify the source before clicking on links or providing personal information.

Tips for businesses this summer:

Supply Chain Security
The interconnectedness of businesses means that a vulnerability in one part of the supply chain can affect everyone. Ensure your vendors and partners maintain strong security practices and remain vigilant about their security posture.

Remote Work
With many employees potentially traveling or attending gatherings, maintaining secure remote work practices is crucial. Implement multi-factor authentication and strict access controls across your organization to protect sensitive information that might otherwise be exposed.

Phishing Scams
Employees may not hold the same level of attention towards malicious emails or links as they look forward to the holiday break. This can make them more susceptible to phishing scams. Regularly train employees on phishing awareness and encourage them to scrutinize emails, especially during holiday seasons.

Adhering to cybersecurity best practices is always important, but especially during the major holidays. By following these tips, individuals and businesses can better protect themselves against cyber threats.

Stay safe, enjoy the celebrations, and if you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and explore more about Onapsis’ security solutions.