Onapsis HANA & ABAP Code Analysis Solutions Certified for Deployment on S/4HANA by SAP
We are very excited to announce that our HANA and ABAP code analysis solutions have been certified by SAP for deployment on S4/HANA! This means they have passed SAP’s stringent testing process and are proven to integrate with SAP technologies. They are now listed in SAP’s Certified Solutions Directory here and here. (Note: even though our companies merged last year, Virtual Forge and Onapsis are still listed separately by SAP. We are working to have this fixed).

What Do Our HANA & ABAP Code Analysis Solutions Do?
Onapsis code analysis (part of The Onapsis Platform) identifies and eliminates critical flaws in the security, compliance, and quality of custom SAP applications right from the development stage. Our HANA solution covers HANA and Fiori, while ABAP covers ABAP, BSP, CDS-Views and Web Dynpro ABAP applications.
In addition to helping prevent downtime and extensive runtimes that eventually require expensive corrective measures, the solutions also address security vulnerabilities before they are discovered and exploited by hackers (e.g., cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injections, forced database queries, and data leaks). Onapsis code analysis also identifies many quality, performance and maintainability issues, which is especially important given the critical nature of SAP applications—availability and stability are essential.
Our code analysis works by inspecting code directly within development environments, with support for SAP Web IDE and Eclipse for HANA/ABAP. The analysis is based on extensive Test Cases that Onapsis has developed over its many years of experience with customer projects, with a database containing patterns of the relevant practices for insecure coding, bad quality or slow code. The current version of our HANA code analysis solution scans SQLScript, XSJS, SAPUI5, and ABAP.
Other SAP Certifications
The HANA and ABAP solutions join a number of previous certifications from SAP, including our Onapsis Platform and transport analysis. You can see the full list of our SAP certifications in the SAP Certified Solutions Directory. (Note: as mentioned above, these are still separated by Onapsis and Virtual Forge branding despite our companies merging last year. We are working on having this updated).
Related Resources
Building security, compliance, and performance checks into your development and change management processes helps improve application integrity, accelerate application delivery and support modernization projects like S/4HANA transformations or cloud migrations. Check out these related resources for more information about enabling DevSecOps for SAP.
- [eBook] Battling Trojan Horses in Your SAP® Transports
- [Case Study] Improving ABAP Code Quality & Complying with Department of Defense Standards
- [Video] How Secure Are Your Custom SAP Implementations?
- [Webinar] The Road To Code Security: Assess & Control your SAP Custom Code
- [Webinar] There’s A Ghost in Your SAP