Onapsis Podcasts

The Defenders Digest Episode 3

Everything you need to know in the world of ERP security with The Defenders Digest. Hear directly from Paul Laudanski & JP Perez-Etchegoyen of Onapsis Research Labs as they chat through monthly highlights and need-to-know information around SAP and Oracle security.

Onapsis Podcasts

The Defenders Digest Episode 2

Everything you need to know in the world of ERP security with The Defenders Digest. Hear directly from Paul Laudanski & JP Perez-Etchegoyen of Onapsis Research Labs as they chat through monthly highlights and need-to-know information around SAP and Oracle security.

Onapsis Podcasts

The Defenders Digest Episode 1

Everything you need to know in the world of ERP security with The Defenders Digest. Hear directly from Paul Laudanski & JP Perez-Etchegoyen of Onapsis Research Labs as they chat through monthly highlights and need-to-know information around SAP and Oracle security.

Onapsis Webinar

Sicher in die Wolke, statt im Regen zu stehen!

Wie macht man die RISE-Migration sicher?


In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie eine automatisierte Security-Lösung die Cloud-Migration Ihrer SAP-Lösung unterstützt. Wir beleuchten Herausforderungen und Risiken bei der Migration komplexer SAP-Systeme und erklären das Prinzip der Shared Responsibility. Sie lernen, wie Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen Ihnen und dem Cloud-Anbieter aufgeteilt sind und wie automatisierte Sicherheitslösungen Ihre Aufgaben im Sicherheitsmanagement unterstützen. Eine zentrale Frage wird sein, wie Sie als reguliertes Unternehmen die Verantwortung des Providers überwachen können, ohne zusätzliche eigene Expertise aufzubauen. Wir zeigen, wie Sie durch automatisierte Monitoring- und Reporting-Tools die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsstandards sicherstellen und kontinuierlich überprüfen können. Nutzen Sie dieses Webinar, um wertvolle Einblicke und Best Practices für eine sichere Cloud-Migration Ihrer SAP-Lösung zu gewinnen.

Onapsis Webinar

Maximizing Application Security in RISE with SAP: A Collaborative Approach with SAP, Onapsis and Deloitte

Learn more about the shared responsibility model within RISE with SAP


In this webinar we dive into the intricacies of the shared responsibility model within RISE with SAP. Representatives from SAP, Onapsis, and Deloitte will lead this session, providing valuable insights into the specific roles and responsibilities each organization plays in helping clients enhance SAP application security. Learn how these industry leaders collaborate to create a robust application security framework that enables you, the customer, to protect your SAP environment effectively.

During this session, you will gain:

  • A clear understanding of your application security responsibilities: Discover what aspects of SAP application security fall under your purview and ways to manage them efficiently.
  • Insight into the collaborative value: See firsthand the synergy between SAP, Onapsis, and Deloitte and how their relationship helps clients enhance overall application security.
  • Practical strategies for implementation: Gain actionable strategies for implementing an enterprise-wide SAP application security framework within your organization.

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of SAP application security and leverage the experience of leading industry vendors and service providers. Whether you’re new to RISE with SAP or looking to optimize your existing security measures, this webinar is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed for success.

Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges to SAP Systems 2024

Research Report

This Onapsis-sponsored SAPinsider report highlights the expanding threat landscape for SAP systems, with rising ransomware, malware, and social engineering attacks. SAP customers are particularly concerned about credential compromise, which can expose sensitive data. SAPinsider identify unpatched systems as the top cybersecurity threat, continuing a three-year trend of vulnerabilities caused by delays in patching.

The report also explores key drivers of cybersecurity strategy, challenges in securing SAP systems, concerns with cloud-based environments, and the growing complexity as organizations adopt multiple cloud providers. Security teams must be well-trained to manage these evolving risks effectively.

Onapsis Webinar

Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges to SAP Systems 2024

From the Benchmark Report


The threat landscape for SAP systems is rapidly expanding, with ransomware and malware attacks on the rise. While these attacks may not directly target SAP systems, they often impact connected systems or environments. A growing concern for SAP customers is the increase in social engineering and credential compromise attacks, which can expose valuable data within SAP systems. As a result, SAPinsiders have highlighted the need to address system vulnerabilities as a top priority. This year, respondents identified unpatched systems as the biggest cybersecurity threat to their SAP environments, continuing a three-year trend of vulnerabilities due to delayed patches and updates. This report is sponsored by Onapsis.