Cybersecurity for Personal Care Manufacturing

ERP is everything – protect your business with Onapsis

Personal care manufacturing is a top target for ransomware and cloud adoption is on the rise making ERP security a must have, not a nice to have.

Securing SAP and Oracle business applications while understanding your critical assets and the risks associated with those assets can be complex as Onapsis CEO and Co-founder, Mariano Nunez, discusses in this short video:

Learn How Onapsis Transforms Personal Care Manufacturing Through Advanced ERP Security

Ensuring top-tier ERP protection, Onapsis is the preferred partner of nearly 30% of Forbes 100 companies worldwide.

Onapsis delivers ERP security in personal care manufacturing that native SAP tools can’t match. Our approach, enriched by Onapsis Research Labs’ insights, provides superior protection for your unique SAP environment.

Onapsis Offers the Only SAP-Endorsed App for Cybersecurity and Compliance

How Onapsis Secures Personal Care Operations From Sourcing to Distribution

Our personal care manufacturing industry customers are now seeing the following benefits:

Application-level security necessary for successful digital transformation, including automated custom code analysis to avoid introducing risk during development processes.

Identification of vulnerabilities and threats that could result in critical business impact, data loss (e.g., PII, IP) or audit findings (e.g., SOX, GDPR, PII, PCI DSS).

Visibility into ERP, e-commerce, and supply chain landscapes and translates vulnerabilities into business risk, making it easy to understand what is putting sensitive data at risk (e.g., elevated privileges that give someone access to IP which they could then sell).

Prioritized insights and actionable guidance so teams new to ERP security have the context they need to quickly act on issues that pose the greatest risk to supply chains systems and data.

Ready to build your business case?


of investigation time saved per week by automating vulnerability scans and receiving actionable details for each finding.


ahead of schedule digital transformation project completed.


reduction in remediation time for SAP vulnerabilities.


decrease in time spent preparing for compliance audits (1000 hours to 12 hours per audit period).

Further Reading

Protecting consumer data and proprietary formulations are non-negiotables for personal care operators. Discover how Onapsis secures SAP against evolving cyber threats. Visit our Resource Center to learn more.

Are You Ready To Resolve Your SAP Cybersecurity Weak Points?

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Discover how easy Onapsis makes securing and protecting your critical business applications today.